2009-2013 四川大学,化学学士
2013-2018 厦门大学,化学生物学博士
2020-至今 宁波大学新药技术研究院,助理研究员
1.傅松森,李福来,黄碧玲,蔡华欢,倪锋,应见喜,刘艳,付川,高祥,李艳梅,赵玉芬*,基于N-磷酰化氨基酸探讨激酶磷转移机制,中国科学:化学,2023, 53, 338.
2.Zhao, R.; Huang, B.; Lu, G.; Fu, S*.; Ying, J*.; Zhao, Y., A Practical Method for Amino Acid Analysis by LC-MS Using Precolumn Derivatization with Urea. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 7332.
3.Gan, D.; Guo, Y.; Lei, X.; Zhang, M.; Fu, S*.; Ying, J*.; Zhao, Y., Urea-mediated warm ponds: Prebiotic formation of carbamoyl amino acids on the primordial Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2023, 607, 118072.
4.Guo, X.; Fu, S*.; Ying, J*.; Zhao, Y., Prebiotic chemistry: a review of nucleoside phosphorylation and polymerization. Open Biology, 2023, 13, 220234.
5.Tan, Y.; Fu, S*.; Yang, T.; Xie, Y.; Shen, G.; Yan, J.; Zhao, Y.; Ni, F*., Evaluation of site-diversified, fully functionalized diazirine probes for chemical proteomic applications. Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 9532.
6.Wang, S.; Chen, Y. Z.; Fu, S*.; Zhao, Y*., In silico approaches uncovering the systematic function of N-phosphorylated proteins in human cells. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 151, 106280.
7.Zhao, X#.; Fu, S#.; Zhao, Y*.; Ni, F*., One-pot synthesis and multiple MS/MS fragmentation studies of phospholysine peptides. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2021, 35, e9186.
8.Fu, S.; Fu, C*.; Zhou, Q.; Lin, R.; Ouyang, H.; Wang, M.; Sun, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, Y*., Widespread arginine phosphorylation in human cells—a novel protein PTM revealed by mass spectrometry. Science China Chemistry, 2020, 63, 341.
国家自然科学青年基金(2024-01 ~ 2026-12) - 主持
福建省化学生物学重点实验室(厦门大学)开放基金(2022-06 ~ 2023-12) - 主持