vii. Prepare your Passport, a copy of your passport information page, a copy of your latest visa, JW202/JW201 form (the yellow one), a copy of the JW202 form, Admission notice, Passport Size photo, tuition payment receipt (original) and Proof of Vaccination.
viii. Prepare your COVID-19 negative test results (For students have visited other provinces in recent 14 days).
b) Students outside Mainland of China:
i. Contact the Office of International Student Admissions before 4:00PM August 24th, 2021 and confirm completion of tuition payment.
ii. Log in to the online registration system at // to verify your personal information and register before 4:00PM August 29th, 2021.
Current Students Registration Procedure
a) Students in Mainland of China:
i. Confirm that you have a Ningbo Health Code on WeChat or Alipay before 4:00PM August 29th, 2021.
ii. Confirm that you have a NBU Campus E-Pass
iii. Confirm tuition fee payment with your faculty before 4:00PM August 28th, 2021.
iv. Log in to the online registration system at // to verify your personal information and register before 4:00PM August 29th, 2021.
v. Declare health information every day on the Student Daily Health Status Declaration system and submit the records in recent 14 days.