Title:Multiple antibiotic resistance and herbicide catabolic profiles of bacteria isolated from Lake Villarrica surface sediments (Chile)
Time:April 16, 2024 (Tuesday) 15:00-16:30
Location:Smart Classroom, Room 404, Health Science Center
Speaker:Professor Milko Jorquera
Bio:Dr. Jorquera is currently a professor and head of the Applied Microbial Ecology Laboratory (EMALAB) at the Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco, Chile). The main objective at EMALAB is to generate knowledge about the ecology and biotechnological potential of microorganisms present in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in Chile. Dr. Jorquera's research activities are mainly focused on i) elucidating the role of microbial communities in nutrient recycling and their influence on higher organisms, ii) deciphering the diversity and dynamics of microorganisms in Chilean ecosystems subject to changes induced by climate and anthropogenic activities, iii) characterize the genetic and biochemical mechanisms involved in microbial interactions with their environment, and iv) develop biological resource management strategies based on the genetic and metabolic potential of microorganisms in their habitat. His lab has published >100 scientific articles in indexed international journals, of which 50 articles have been published in the last 5 years (2016 to date) and the vast majority in journals categorized in the Q1 quartile. and Q2 of their respective areas.